
This tool allows you to create a gap fill task using texts from the CorCenCC corpus. Use the “Text type” option to select the type of text (e.g. the ‘blog’ text type). The “Gap frequency” setting allows you to set the gap to appear as often as you want, depending on how difficult you would like the task to be (the recommended setting is every 7th - 9th word). Using the “Text Length” option, you can choose to see a random sample of a text up to 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 words long. On clicking “Start”, a new panel will show the gap fill task with words that have been removed from the text appearing in a separate panel. To complete the task, choose words from the list and type them into the appropriate gaps in the text. When you click “Check”, the correctly chosen words will be highlighted in green, and the incorrectly chosen words will be highlighted in red.

Text options

Choose the “nth” word to remove
Choose a text from the following category
Choose the length of the text