Word Task Creator

This tool facilitates intensive work on a specific vocabulary item by generating multiple corpus extracts (called concordance lines) from CorCenCC that all contain a target word that you specify. To use this tool, type a target word into the “Word” entry box. Then, select how many extracts you want to generate (maximum 20) using the “Maximum lines” option. If you want to specify the part-of-speech of the target word (e.g. noun, verb), use the “Part of speech” option. Next, click on “Start” to generate the results. In the results tables, the target word will be blanked out so that concordance lines can be presented to learners for them to identify the missing word. Clicking on “Show” reveals the target word.

Line Gap Options

Enter a word that should appear in the line gaps
Choose the maximum number of lines to generate
Choose the part of speech for the word (optional)